I had a BLAST!
W-E was super fun as I thought it would be.
Partied with the company I work for, so...pent house and free bar + a HUGE sun roof! So it was sweeeeeeet for sure! I just gotto snag some pics from the party. Didn't take any with my phone cause...well.I kinda forgot! :P
Anyways...free bar and a lot of good people there for sure! Made a lot of new friends and no new enemies.
So beer and wine and champagne from 18 - 23 then it was time to hit the town....yeah....forgot my jacket btw....sooo..yeah.
Went to Onkel Donald where I thought it was a bit too crowded so I went out...bad call! Couldnt get in again and it started to really POUR! Like "oh did I just shower with my clothes on" heavy rain! Got shelter for a few minutes but serially...who want to stay in town under a roof in the middle of Oslo 4 in the morning? Not me!
Haha :P Sometimes I wish my parents wouldnt read my blogg as much as they do. Some stuff that I really want to write that I dont think they would apriciate you know...? Some stories for sure...Maybe I'll make another blog called "Pereverywhere clean and uncut"? or maybe directors cut? Well...how rowdy my stories are they can never compete with the guys who wrote the whistler crackside blog. Too bad for all you non swedish readers out there cause it's waaay fun too read but it's just un swedish so...
Time goes by at an incredible rate right now! Monday.....BOOOM! Saturday!
i gotta find a new place to stay before august 15th. And it's getting a bit frustrating cause I'll never find an apartment as cheap as the one I'm in right now.
I live in one of the finer hoods in Oslo, Majorstuen, and I pay 1700nok a month wich is rediculous really! Usually it really expensive! Well 4000nok per month + utilities...at LEAST!
It's not suuper luxoriouse or anything but honestly I don't care cause it's so fkn cheap!
Tomorrow is another day at the job ...hopefully I'll get some early sales so I can go home early. Would be soo nice to have time to do something else then just working, eating, sleeping and running. Hopefully I'll get a good deal at elexia (a gym) so I can start going there. There is one in Sköyen wich is maybe 4km from me so perfect warmup distance for sure!
Don't have any more to say now..well actually I do but... I'll save it for later.
SNL Im On The Boat Video T-Pain
Partied with the company I work for, so...pent house and free bar + a HUGE sun roof! So it was sweeeeeeet for sure! I just gotto snag some pics from the party. Didn't take any with my phone cause...well.I kinda forgot! :P
Anyways...free bar and a lot of good people there for sure! Made a lot of new friends and no new enemies.
So beer and wine and champagne from 18 - 23 then it was time to hit the town....yeah....forgot my jacket btw....sooo..yeah.
Went to Onkel Donald where I thought it was a bit too crowded so I went out...bad call! Couldnt get in again and it started to really POUR! Like "oh did I just shower with my clothes on" heavy rain! Got shelter for a few minutes but serially...who want to stay in town under a roof in the middle of Oslo 4 in the morning? Not me!
Haha :P Sometimes I wish my parents wouldnt read my blogg as much as they do. Some stuff that I really want to write that I dont think they would apriciate you know...? Some stories for sure...Maybe I'll make another blog called "Pereverywhere clean and uncut"? or maybe directors cut? Well...how rowdy my stories are they can never compete with the guys who wrote the whistler crackside blog. Too bad for all you non swedish readers out there cause it's waaay fun too read but it's just un swedish so...
Time goes by at an incredible rate right now! Monday.....BOOOM! Saturday!
i gotta find a new place to stay before august 15th. And it's getting a bit frustrating cause I'll never find an apartment as cheap as the one I'm in right now.
I live in one of the finer hoods in Oslo, Majorstuen, and I pay 1700nok a month wich is rediculous really! Usually it really expensive! Well 4000nok per month + utilities...at LEAST!
It's not suuper luxoriouse or anything but honestly I don't care cause it's so fkn cheap!
Tomorrow is another day at the job ...hopefully I'll get some early sales so I can go home early. Would be soo nice to have time to do something else then just working, eating, sleeping and running. Hopefully I'll get a good deal at elexia (a gym) so I can start going there. There is one in Sköyen wich is maybe 4km from me so perfect warmup distance for sure!
Don't have any more to say now..well actually I do but... I'll save it for later.
I'll leave you with this! Fkn funny song from the SNL guys!
SNL Im On The Boat Video T-Pain
Postat av: Emelie Elisabeth
haha ja det vore kul.
i helgen har jag baara jobbatjobbatjobbat. trök.
vad har du hittat på, then?