FKNA! Haven't been this tired since I worked 2hours of overtime everyday for one week at Electrolux! That was a killer! +40C in the plant and just sooo much shit to do!
Have been having theese dreams that are keeping me awake. So I'm not sleeping enough it might be that that's making me sooo tired.
Didn't go so well today. We were at a crappy location at first. Just old people and peolpe on their way home from work...tired..hungry.... not polite.
After that I was pretty much done for the day...soooo tired. Felt a bit sick as well. Really tried do get some energy but ..... could not summon even the slightest of energy.

Right now...chill + food. Later on...a run..for sure! :D
Have been having theese dreams that are keeping me awake. So I'm not sleeping enough it might be that that's making me sooo tired.
Didn't go so well today. We were at a crappy location at first. Just old people and peolpe on their way home from work...tired..hungry.... not polite.
After that I was pretty much done for the day...soooo tired. Felt a bit sick as well. Really tried do get some energy but ..... could not summon even the slightest of energy.

Right now...chill + food. Later on...a run..for sure! :D
Postat av: Andrea Gamst
aaaw dakar :P
Jaaa aaasbra at du har fått to i allefall ;) Bare å dra på så du får en liten bonus i affal!
Ja det går kanon med oss.. fikk 3 rekorder i forige uke og har egentlig gått ganske randome med meg siden da, men de andre gjör det kanoon!! Så det er jo bra ;)
Blir her til august en gang eller så lenge jeg klarer i allefall.. Er det redd barna du er på?