back home...
Well its always nice to come home again.....honestly..i could do with 2 weeks more of skiing but...5w vacation is just 5w and not a day more.
Landed in Oslo around 4 in the afternoon and left the airport around 5...why an hour of wait?? Bagage issues ofc! my skibag got stuck in London. Did they tell me anything at all or did I wait in vain?? What do you think? One thing is certain though... Ill never fly with Brittish Airways again...ever!
Landed in Oslo around 4 in the afternoon and left the airport around 5...why an hour of wait?? Bagage issues ofc! my skibag got stuck in London. Did they tell me anything at all or did I wait in vain?? What do you think? One thing is certain though... Ill never fly with Brittish Airways again...ever!
Anyways...its thursday today and gonna be my 4 day on the job since I got home. Got some fresh new clothes from my job (Peak Performance) and they are so wicked! Love em!
Next trip will be to Sortlandet, way up north in norway, where Katja, her mom and dad and I will be spending easter. Skiing?? oh yea! They actually own a mountain!! Pretty cool eh? So I´ll bring my EHP193 and do some first decents. And yeah....I will helmetcam them! :)
Thats about it for now.
and yeah...thinking about getting a 2nd in swedish so all my lazy swedish friends acutally can read it and understand :P
OSL next
yea... just got one flight left now! not bad at all. Time just passes by when you have something to do :)
Sooooo super close now to see my GF again! It's gonna be good!
Right now I'm debating with a friend what line to ski on the Scandinavian Big Mountain Championships (SBMC2010). This year I WILL be skiing all days!
Right now I'm sitting in Clagarys airport waiting for my flight to Toronto... boored
So...5 weeks just flew by eh? Time flys when you have fun they say. Well I've had shitloads of fun! Spec theese last weeks with the big storm and my visit to golden! EPIC!
3 weeks ago we (me, Robert, Tim, Rasmus, Johan, Fanny and Mikael) went for a roadtrip to Vancouver Island to shred some powpow. Loong drive, a quick visit in Vancouver, ferry ride and some kick ass people were involved. We had no place to stay and all the motells were closed. One car behind us, we stop it and what do you know. It just so happened that they had an apartement that they were going to fix a bit (new paint blablabla) and it just so happened that it was empty, furnished but no one there! Good things do happen:)
As I said. We were hoping for epic powpow buut.... didnt really turn out that way at all. Went to Mt Cain, small comunity hill run by enthusiasts, the first day No new snow in a while and all the snow in the resort was pretty rotten. With that said we went slackcountry to get some good snow.
Slackcountry in Cain is waay better than you'd expect and super easy to access too! So after a 5 min traverse and a 30min bootpack we were standing on the top trying to scope lines. 3 obviouse chutes straight from the top and we went for the one most skiers left which turned out to be a really good choice! Good snow all the way down over hardpack meant a super speedy run with loong and few turns! (vids will be up when I get back home to Oslo).
After the hike out of the bowl we had some lunch and a minor snowball war! :P
Sooo....what should we do next? Ski the backside of course! Tim, Mikael and I teamed up with a 70 year old local. There were some sick lines on the backside of Cain but we chose to do a safe one since we had no clue about the snowpack at all (comunity hill, not that much avy control). So a small drop into a small short chute and some nice powpow turns down. Pretty sweet!
We had some well deserved beers after the day and everyone was pleased with the day!
First flight is done and done so now I'm in Toronto and will be here for 5 more hours....a pain!
Wtf?? much fun things have been going on here theese weeks and since I havent been a frequent blogger at all makes this one (and/or following ones) pretty hard to keep short cause there is soo much to tell :)
Lets try to keep it simpe eh?
So after the first day of skiing on Vancouver Island we where we had a desicion to make. Stay around the Mt Cain area and ski cain the day after or go for something else. I was pretty much done and done with Cain due to the lack of snow so my and Roberts vote was on us going to mt Washington. We were pratty much alone on that. So the next day, Robert and I went to Mt Washington and the others went to Toffino for some surfing (or expensive bathing for most of them :P ). Mt Washington showed us a rather variable version of the famous pow capital. BOILER PLATE! Ice and moguls! Seen that one before...siiigh.
We shredded from around 9 till noon. Stopped for some lunch and then..back on it again. First run after lunch...disaster struck! Robert caught his tips in a small hole and went down pretty hard twisting his hip. No more skiing for us that day. Sooo..what now? Hit the bar? Good idea! We were full of good ideas! :P Burgers, beer and geartalk for hours and hours waiting for the others to come back....which they did... allthough waaay later then we thought they would. Not that wierd though...cause we didnt really say a time or aything so they had pretty much their hands free. Ohh well..shit happens. But times are never wasted when your always wasted ;)
Day three....vancouver.
What can I say. Amasing city. Huge and neat in every way. Visited the Peak Performnace store for fun. They had just started their sale on the winter collection (something we did a month earlier).
Some shopping done to, camera lens Tamron 17-50 2.8...siick lense! Soo sharp! Not that superfast and a bit noisy...but what the hell.
An olympic games 2010 Vancouver cap in purple ( no surprise in the color choice there :P ) A crooks and castles T-shirt (dope as hell!) and some stuff for Katja ( my gf for you who didnt know) that will be revealed in time.
Time to go home then...
Skiing revy again. Conditions were....not that good and the backcountry was still very unstable. Some shorter tours and a minor slide (no one got hurt) and some pretty fun snow (deep but firm).
Snow report was signs of hope again....friday, shitloads of snow heading our way. Thursday...mountain shut down due to high winds. Snowing pretty hard...good things await the chosen ones....aka us poor suckers stuck in kanada...warmest country in the world.
friday......FRIIIfreakinDAY! Pretty huge lineup to the gondy. No surprise there, spring break and all. Got up pretty fast though. Got soo many laps that day. So many fun cliffs (no big stuff though :( ) 5-6m at the highest. Mostly just me and Tim racing around for the hunt of gnar! Superfun. The only real downer was that my friend josefine tore her ACL and had to go home for surgery....vibes.
aanywho Found 2 norweigean girls, June and Caroline, on the way down in the gondy ( snow down low so download is asked them if they have had a good day or not. Anyway...turns out that they were going to golden to spend the rest of their season there....and they had a car! :) So I tagged along with them to golden.
Shredded the whole saturday with some, more or less, local kids (friends from earlier seasons) and got all the gods (except the coffee chutes). Tired but happy I went down to Golden for the "main event"...the keg party! Everyone was there that I know. Lots of beer (3*58.4L), lots of good people and just plain fun times! Went to sleep around up to the hill with Brady. Still drunk and with fogged up goggles we skied the Jengas on Whitewall (one of the best spots on the whole mountain if you ask me). Stompstompstomp I say!
This just in. My flight is delayed. 22.35 is the new departure time....30min longer wait...not stoked.
Last week was a fun one, and it started with Brian, June, Caroline and I went slackcontry skiing in Ozone. Good snow but snowstability was poor on some aspects so we played it safe. Had a good run for sure. Day ended with some beer, fajitas and bonfire in a burned down mill on the other side of the railway.
All in all it was an epic trip! Good snow good people..havin' a tahjm!
Came home on tuesday, thx to Luke, no skiing just chillin and a short stroll to town with Robert and a party at our place. Josefin was going home so she had invited all the good people of Revelstoke. I was super tired and didnt want to sacrifice more days of skiing so I headed to bed pretty early (12). Wednesday was just playing around. Went to "lekstugan" just under Greely (spelling on that?) hucked some small stuff and took some pics.
What happened on thursday? Honestly...I really dont know.. :P i guess it was just a random day amongst other random days. Hehe..just kiddin! Skied the whole day with different people. Good snow in greely and just good ol' fun :)
Fridays skiing was schweet! Skied all the zones I like. Greely, three bears, sweetspot etc....
Had a loong lunch in the sun (no hurry cause we were pretty much alone on the hill) and ended the day with just jibbin around and hitting groomers.
And then.... gayhound...I mean greyhound to clagary airport....
vids from revy :)
so....about that update eh? :P
Lets just say that the skiing wasnt that supermegaawsome. BUT....I have som vids and some pics... + pics from our roadtrip :)
So.... when i get the time Ill do a big update ;)
Quick one
Having a blast so far. Not much snow...well...hasent snowed at all since i got here.
Todays mission: Rogers Pass! Touring at it´s finest :)
I´ll update it more soon with vids and pics...