back home...

Well its always nice to come home again.....honestly..i could do with 2 weeks more of skiing but...5w vacation is just 5w and not a day more. 
Landed in Oslo around 4 in the afternoon and left the airport around 5...why an hour of wait?? Bagage issues ofc! my skibag got stuck in London. Did they tell me anything at all or did I wait in vain?? What do you think? One thing is certain though... Ill never fly with Brittish Airways again...ever!
Anyways...its thursday today and gonna be my 4 day on the job since I got home. Got some fresh new clothes from my job (Peak Performance) and they are so wicked! Love em!
Next trip will be to Sortlandet, way up north in norway, where Katja, her mom and dad and I will be spending easter. Skiing?? oh yea! They actually own a mountain!! Pretty cool eh? So I´ll bring my EHP193 and do some first decents. And yeah....I will helmetcam them! :)
Thats about it for now.
and yeah...thinking about getting a 2nd in swedish so all my lazy swedish friends acutally can read it and understand :P


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