Good karma
Hey again. Was a while ago since I updatet this blog.
Anyways..been up to a lot of fun for sure!
Friday, workworkwork and then I went home to Mariestad where a big kebabpizza with pineaple and ham was waiting for me :P Awsome pizza! You dont get that high quality stuff any other place! So canadian 2for1 can suck it!
Saturday started off with 9 holes of golf. Lost to my dad on the last hole. Can't remember when that happened last time?
The plan for the night was going out with my friends.
Gin and tonic + beer was a leathal combo for sure! Have some problem remembering some details that night. But all in all it was a "jolly good time 'ol chap!". Always so stoked about comming home to meet my friends again!
Sunday was a worse day for sure. Saw a good movie though, Public Enemy, but that didnt really help my day cause it just made my "planning" collaps...totally!
In other chocking news...this week has been pretty mellow so far. Met an old friend for some drinks and dancing last night. 2 years ago since I saw her and it was so much fun hanging out with her!
And yeah...found a 500kr bill on the floor. Should mean that my luck is changing ...right?
This was a short one for sure.
feel pretty weak these days...maybe getting sick or some other shit? I dont know. Just hope that it will pass sooooner then soon.

Anyways..been up to a lot of fun for sure!
Friday, workworkwork and then I went home to Mariestad where a big kebabpizza with pineaple and ham was waiting for me :P Awsome pizza! You dont get that high quality stuff any other place! So canadian 2for1 can suck it!
Saturday started off with 9 holes of golf. Lost to my dad on the last hole. Can't remember when that happened last time?
The plan for the night was going out with my friends.
Gin and tonic + beer was a leathal combo for sure! Have some problem remembering some details that night. But all in all it was a "jolly good time 'ol chap!". Always so stoked about comming home to meet my friends again!
Sunday was a worse day for sure. Saw a good movie though, Public Enemy, but that didnt really help my day cause it just made my "planning" collaps...totally!
In other chocking news...this week has been pretty mellow so far. Met an old friend for some drinks and dancing last night. 2 years ago since I saw her and it was so much fun hanging out with her!
And yeah...found a 500kr bill on the floor. Should mean that my luck is changing ...right?
This was a short one for sure.
feel pretty weak these days...maybe getting sick or some other shit? I dont know. Just hope that it will pass sooooner then soon.
Trying my best right now to win 2million kronor
And if I win I'll take the first plane to this place! <3
And if I win I'll take the first plane to this place! <3

Dirt Nasty - 1980
Fkn funny song from one of the Dyslectic Rappers!
pooor poooor Line!
Well.. There is this girl that I work with, Line .She had a pretty bad start this week!
First of she got a pariking ticket for parking her scoter wrong about a week ago and on this monday she got a huge fune for driving agains yellow shifting to red (5200nok for that) and another parking 6900nok within a week in fines! :(
I hope she can forget the whole thing and have a sweet trip to St. Tropez!
Not much more to talk about. Didn't happen so much monday tuesday. Just workworkwork. And yesterday some running. 12km actually :)
First of she got a pariking ticket for parking her scoter wrong about a week ago and on this monday she got a huge fune for driving agains yellow shifting to red (5200nok for that) and another parking 6900nok within a week in fines! :(
I hope she can forget the whole thing and have a sweet trip to St. Tropez!
Not much more to talk about. Didn't happen so much monday tuesday. Just workworkwork. And yesterday some running. 12km actually :)
I had a BLAST!
W-E was super fun as I thought it would be.
Partied with the company I work for, so...pent house and free bar + a HUGE sun roof! So it was sweeeeeeet for sure! I just gotto snag some pics from the party. Didn't take any with my phone cause...well.I kinda forgot! :P bar and a lot of good people there for sure! Made a lot of new friends and no new enemies.
So beer and wine and champagne from 18 - 23 then it was time to hit the town....yeah....forgot my jacket btw....sooo..yeah.
Went to Onkel Donald where I thought it was a bit too crowded so I went out...bad call! Couldnt get in again and it started to really POUR! Like "oh did I just shower with my clothes on" heavy rain! Got shelter for a few minutes but serially...who want to stay in town under a roof in the middle of Oslo 4 in the morning? Not me!
Haha :P Sometimes I wish my parents wouldnt read my blogg as much as they do. Some stuff that I really want to write that I dont think they would apriciate you know...? Some stories for sure...Maybe I'll make another blog called "Pereverywhere clean and uncut"? or maybe directors cut? rowdy my stories are they can never compete with the guys who wrote the whistler crackside blog. Too bad for all you non swedish readers out there cause it's waaay fun too read but it's just un swedish so...
Time goes by at an incredible rate right now! Monday.....BOOOM! Saturday!
i gotta find a new place to stay before august 15th. And it's getting a bit frustrating cause I'll never find an apartment as cheap as the one I'm in right now.
I live in one of the finer hoods in Oslo, Majorstuen, and I pay 1700nok a month wich is rediculous really! Usually it really expensive! Well 4000nok per month + LEAST!
It's not suuper luxoriouse or anything but honestly I don't care cause it's so fkn cheap!
Tomorrow is another day at the job ...hopefully I'll get some early sales so I can go home early. Would be soo nice to have time to do something else then just working, eating, sleeping and running. Hopefully I'll get a good deal at elexia (a gym) so I can start going there. There is one in Sköyen wich is maybe 4km from me so perfect warmup distance for sure!
Don't have any more to say now..well actually I do but... I'll save it for later.
SNL Im On The Boat Video T-Pain
Partied with the company I work for, so...pent house and free bar + a HUGE sun roof! So it was sweeeeeeet for sure! I just gotto snag some pics from the party. Didn't take any with my phone cause...well.I kinda forgot! :P bar and a lot of good people there for sure! Made a lot of new friends and no new enemies.
So beer and wine and champagne from 18 - 23 then it was time to hit the town....yeah....forgot my jacket btw....sooo..yeah.
Went to Onkel Donald where I thought it was a bit too crowded so I went out...bad call! Couldnt get in again and it started to really POUR! Like "oh did I just shower with my clothes on" heavy rain! Got shelter for a few minutes but serially...who want to stay in town under a roof in the middle of Oslo 4 in the morning? Not me!
Haha :P Sometimes I wish my parents wouldnt read my blogg as much as they do. Some stuff that I really want to write that I dont think they would apriciate you know...? Some stories for sure...Maybe I'll make another blog called "Pereverywhere clean and uncut"? or maybe directors cut? rowdy my stories are they can never compete with the guys who wrote the whistler crackside blog. Too bad for all you non swedish readers out there cause it's waaay fun too read but it's just un swedish so...
Time goes by at an incredible rate right now! Monday.....BOOOM! Saturday!
i gotta find a new place to stay before august 15th. And it's getting a bit frustrating cause I'll never find an apartment as cheap as the one I'm in right now.
I live in one of the finer hoods in Oslo, Majorstuen, and I pay 1700nok a month wich is rediculous really! Usually it really expensive! Well 4000nok per month + LEAST!
It's not suuper luxoriouse or anything but honestly I don't care cause it's so fkn cheap!
Tomorrow is another day at the job ...hopefully I'll get some early sales so I can go home early. Would be soo nice to have time to do something else then just working, eating, sleeping and running. Hopefully I'll get a good deal at elexia (a gym) so I can start going there. There is one in Sköyen wich is maybe 4km from me so perfect warmup distance for sure!
Don't have any more to say now..well actually I do but... I'll save it for later.
I'll leave you with this! Fkn funny song from the SNL guys!
SNL Im On The Boat Video T-Pain
Friday again.
The weeks just blows by right now. Wasn't it monday yesterday?? It feels like it anyway.
Well..sold one today anyway. The running is going good as well and yeah. There is a lot of positive things going on right now.
Soon time for the interview for the Peak Performance job. So send me good vibes please! :)
Saturday tomorrow and my job is throwing a summerparty..... Can you say Free bar?? :P back tomorrow with some pics and stuff.

Well..sold one today anyway. The running is going good as well and yeah. There is a lot of positive things going on right now.
Soon time for the interview for the Peak Performance job. So send me good vibes please! :)
Saturday tomorrow and my job is throwing a summerparty..... Can you say Free bar?? :P back tomorrow with some pics and stuff.
Swedeparty in Golden

In deep (gayest name ever)

Just saw that the release tour date for MSP new skiflick "In deep" (really gay name BTW) is now revealed!
So anyone who is in or near Oslo in oktober...check this out!
FKNA! Haven't been this tired since I worked 2hours of overtime everyday for one week at Electrolux! That was a killer! +40C in the plant and just sooo much shit to do!
Have been having theese dreams that are keeping me awake. So I'm not sleeping enough it might be that that's making me sooo tired.
Didn't go so well today. We were at a crappy location at first. Just old people and peolpe on their way home from work...tired..hungry.... not polite.
After that I was pretty much done for the day...soooo tired. Felt a bit sick as well. Really tried do get some energy but ..... could not summon even the slightest of energy.

Right now...chill + food. Later on...a run..for sure! :D
Have been having theese dreams that are keeping me awake. So I'm not sleeping enough it might be that that's making me sooo tired.
Didn't go so well today. We were at a crappy location at first. Just old people and peolpe on their way home from work...tired..hungry.... not polite.
After that I was pretty much done for the day...soooo tired. Felt a bit sick as well. Really tried do get some energy but ..... could not summon even the slightest of energy.

Right now...chill + food. Later on...a run..for sure! :D
Good and bad..lets stick to the good stuff shall we? :P
So.. I got to sell some memberships today! Really stoked that I got 2 persons to join "Rädda barnen" ("Save the children"...or something big international organisation anyway) meaning 6 kids in 3rd world countries will get the possibility to go to school, get food, a place to stay and medicine! How cool is that? I felt really proud afterwards and pretty psyched to go back to work tomorrow!
Anyway...I finished work a bit earlier then usually so I had time to go in to town for a little shopping. As my previous running shoes was totally worn out and pretty much useless after 3-4 years it was time to get a new pair of shoes!
Went to löplabbet (the running lab) where I friend of mine works. Its a really good store and you know as soon as you walk through the door that they know shoes! It's shoes, soles, socks and different machines everywhere! Everyone looks super fit (like running 150kms a week!,,,not kidding) and you get supergood help with choice of shoes. It's kinda like runner answer to Surefoot (for you skiers out knooow what I'm talking about!! OMG). So we talked a bit first what we have done lately... and so one. Martin had actually been runnig a LOT! He was in some huge 4 days team marathon. 70kms per day and just fkn crazy! Funny thing was that they won the whole thing! Like 10min faster then the best elite team! Pretty amazing! Big prize money as well for them!
So he lended my a pair of demo shoes and filmed my feet as I was running. Then took a close look how my feet are built...went into the storage and voila!
A pair of new Nike Avant+ for Per! Could really feel the difference between those shoes and my old fkn worn out Ass-not-sics.
Got a sweet deal on them as well! :D the new ones...not the old ones :P
Yada yada bad stuff bad stuff...
Went out for a test run to see how my form is and to clear my head from some shit that I'm not gonna talk about at all.
Felt really good to be so tired that you can't even stand up straight...and the really good thing is that my knees doesnt hurt anymore! They hurt with my old shoes after about 35min of running! So kudos to Martin!
8kms done. Not so bad after a month of not running at all! I bet I'll feel it tomorrow though. Don't care though cause I'm a champ and will stand up strong...nothing can hurt me anymore....
My new shoes! :D

So.. I got to sell some memberships today! Really stoked that I got 2 persons to join "Rädda barnen" ("Save the children"...or something big international organisation anyway) meaning 6 kids in 3rd world countries will get the possibility to go to school, get food, a place to stay and medicine! How cool is that? I felt really proud afterwards and pretty psyched to go back to work tomorrow!
Anyway...I finished work a bit earlier then usually so I had time to go in to town for a little shopping. As my previous running shoes was totally worn out and pretty much useless after 3-4 years it was time to get a new pair of shoes!
Went to löplabbet (the running lab) where I friend of mine works. Its a really good store and you know as soon as you walk through the door that they know shoes! It's shoes, soles, socks and different machines everywhere! Everyone looks super fit (like running 150kms a week!,,,not kidding) and you get supergood help with choice of shoes. It's kinda like runner answer to Surefoot (for you skiers out knooow what I'm talking about!! OMG). So we talked a bit first what we have done lately... and so one. Martin had actually been runnig a LOT! He was in some huge 4 days team marathon. 70kms per day and just fkn crazy! Funny thing was that they won the whole thing! Like 10min faster then the best elite team! Pretty amazing! Big prize money as well for them!
So he lended my a pair of demo shoes and filmed my feet as I was running. Then took a close look how my feet are built...went into the storage and voila!
A pair of new Nike Avant+ for Per! Could really feel the difference between those shoes and my old fkn worn out Ass-not-sics.
Got a sweet deal on them as well! :D the new ones...not the old ones :P
Yada yada bad stuff bad stuff...
Went out for a test run to see how my form is and to clear my head from some shit that I'm not gonna talk about at all.
Felt really good to be so tired that you can't even stand up straight...and the really good thing is that my knees doesnt hurt anymore! They hurt with my old shoes after about 35min of running! So kudos to Martin!
8kms done. Not so bad after a month of not running at all! I bet I'll feel it tomorrow though. Don't care though cause I'm a champ and will stand up strong...nothing can hurt me anymore....
My new shoes! :D

Still a virgin
Havent sold a single thing so far. So I still have my virginity to lose in this buissnes. Really sux....but hey. I'm still making money! :)
Anyhow...going to sleep now and yeah....thinking avout this winter and what to wear....under my feet that is.
Thinking about these beasts! :)

Prolly can buy them for 450CAD brand spanking new!
Anyhow...going to sleep now and yeah....thinking avout this winter and what to wear....under my feet that is.
Thinking about these beasts! :)
Moment Bibby 186

Prolly can buy them for 450CAD brand spanking new!
Another week has begun
Yey! Thank god it's monday! Been looking forward to this day since friday :P Not..
It's a good thing that I have a job anyway. So really...I shouldn't complain. Just a week ago I didn't have a job at all and I was complaining about that? Will I ever be at peace or will I just continue bitching about stuff not worth bitching about?
New "boss" this week. Kristoffer was just going to be our Team Leader for a week and now he's on a vacation. Lucky guy! looks like we are getting good weather today which is fkn awsome cause if it's nice and warm we can be outside instead of inside. I bet it's way better beeing outside then inside. I really don't like malls anymore. After spending 8 hours a day in malls you kinda don't feel like they are so much fun anymore :P *yawn*
What else is new? Don't know really. Had a wierd dream that I was in my hometown in Mariestad with some people that shouldn't be in Mariestad...rather be in Toffino right now. Driving in my mom and dads car and just driving around where I grew up. Showing everything from my old school to where we used to go swimming etc.
Wierdest part was that I was driving like fkn maniac. Just running over cats and I've never done that and would never do it either!
So work is calling and I hope this week will be waayyyy better. Didn't sell anything last week so I still have that zero to break! Hopefully I'll get about 13+ sold this week cause that equals comission for me :) I could use maybe 1300CAD per week right now :P That should be enough to get me through the winter and more!

It's a good thing that I have a job anyway. So really...I shouldn't complain. Just a week ago I didn't have a job at all and I was complaining about that? Will I ever be at peace or will I just continue bitching about stuff not worth bitching about?
New "boss" this week. Kristoffer was just going to be our Team Leader for a week and now he's on a vacation. Lucky guy! looks like we are getting good weather today which is fkn awsome cause if it's nice and warm we can be outside instead of inside. I bet it's way better beeing outside then inside. I really don't like malls anymore. After spending 8 hours a day in malls you kinda don't feel like they are so much fun anymore :P *yawn*
What else is new? Don't know really. Had a wierd dream that I was in my hometown in Mariestad with some people that shouldn't be in Mariestad...rather be in Toffino right now. Driving in my mom and dads car and just driving around where I grew up. Showing everything from my old school to where we used to go swimming etc.
Wierdest part was that I was driving like fkn maniac. Just running over cats and I've never done that and would never do it either!
So work is calling and I hope this week will be waayyyy better. Didn't sell anything last week so I still have that zero to break! Hopefully I'll get about 13+ sold this week cause that equals comission for me :) I could use maybe 1300CAD per week right now :P That should be enough to get me through the winter and more!
Autumn in Mariestad

One week down... 23 to go
One week done. First week of labour since december 19th for my part. Almost forgot how it is to get up early every day and park your ass at le job for 8 hours or so.
It's been a good week. Havent sold anything but Iäm getting there for sure. Telefone sales is way easier (so far anyway) cause you get so many conversations per day and way easier to sell something that people "need".
But heeeeaaaany way. Its been a fkn fun week for sure. Meeting new people every day and actually making money is pretty sweet!
Week end has been really good as well. Me and Ane went out with her friends to a super dope place called "Ute" (Outside). Tried to take pics of the place with my cell but it was way to dark for that. But a really awsome place!
So it's sunday today and I really wanna get my ass in shape right now. Got to go to a good sportshop and buy a pair of really good runningshoes, a helmet and some other protective gear for the inline project. Wanna get som skills at that so I have a fun thing to do during summer as well.
Thinking about buying a race hybrid bike from Nishiki (swedish bikemanufacturer). Looks so fun just going so fast on the roads with an mp3 player pumping your favourite tunes!
Latest pics from my phone

Did someone order rain?

Fkn nice sunset



It's been a good week. Havent sold anything but Iäm getting there for sure. Telefone sales is way easier (so far anyway) cause you get so many conversations per day and way easier to sell something that people "need".
But heeeeaaaany way. Its been a fkn fun week for sure. Meeting new people every day and actually making money is pretty sweet!
Week end has been really good as well. Me and Ane went out with her friends to a super dope place called "Ute" (Outside). Tried to take pics of the place with my cell but it was way to dark for that. But a really awsome place!
So it's sunday today and I really wanna get my ass in shape right now. Got to go to a good sportshop and buy a pair of really good runningshoes, a helmet and some other protective gear for the inline project. Wanna get som skills at that so I have a fun thing to do during summer as well.
Thinking about buying a race hybrid bike from Nishiki (swedish bikemanufacturer). Looks so fun just going so fast on the roads with an mp3 player pumping your favourite tunes!
Latest pics from my phone

Did someone order rain?

Fkn nice sunset



So far not so good...
Yeah...haven't actually sold anything yet at my new job and that really do suck donkey!'s a new day it's a new dawn, and I hope I get a bit more lucky today. Anyway...I'm making money which is pretty sweet!
Yeah as I a new videoediting software the other day. Tried it out and guess what....I SUCK at it so bad I was thinking about uninstalling the shit!
Have to change to get som skills.
Keep an eye out for bad 08/09 season edits :P
Now its time to go to work!'s a new day it's a new dawn, and I hope I get a bit more lucky today. Anyway...I'm making money which is pretty sweet!
Yeah as I a new videoediting software the other day. Tried it out and guess what....I SUCK at it so bad I was thinking about uninstalling the shit!
Have to change to get som skills.
Keep an eye out for bad 08/09 season edits :P
Now its time to go to work!
First day at the real
Sooo... First day at the job...actually being out and selling...well more trying to sell...anyway.
Supertough day. You might think "yeah right".... and it might sound easy and might sound like it doesnt really need any physichal strenght..well your right in one way. But mentally it's super tough!
During the whole day I had maybe a 20 min lunch break...walking and eating! And there was soo little people at the location so we kinda had to attack the persons there which isn't a great approach at all. Like really bad to be exact cause people wont talk to you..and if they do they might be douches just to keep you away.
So we (3 persons) sold just one today. REALLY bad.....
I hope we will get epic weather tomorrow so we can be outside instead of inside. Would be sweet for sure! :P
Right now....Michael Jacksons memorial. No words really... just really sad.
Later on..I don't know...maybe another msn session...hopefully way fun....but I wouldn't bet on it though.
one more thing! Just got a new video editing there will be some videos comming soon!
I will probalby start straight away!

Supertough day. You might think "yeah right".... and it might sound easy and might sound like it doesnt really need any physichal strenght..well your right in one way. But mentally it's super tough!
During the whole day I had maybe a 20 min lunch break...walking and eating! And there was soo little people at the location so we kinda had to attack the persons there which isn't a great approach at all. Like really bad to be exact cause people wont talk to you..and if they do they might be douches just to keep you away.
So we (3 persons) sold just one today. REALLY bad.....
I hope we will get epic weather tomorrow so we can be outside instead of inside. Would be sweet for sure! :P
Right now....Michael Jacksons memorial. No words really... just really sad.
Later on..I don't know...maybe another msn session...hopefully way fun....but I wouldn't bet on it though.
one more thing! Just got a new video editing there will be some videos comming soon!
I will probalby start straight away!

Walking on a dream | We are the people (Sam La More remix)
Whatwhat..first day at the new job!'s back to them rutines again! Fkn A!
Wake up "early" and go to work around 8.20. Work and sell sell sell. Save them kids and do it fast!
Today was just an intro. A pretty booring one though. First of a girl named Janne (?) was plowing through company history and hierarky for a whole fkn hour.
After that our team leader, Abdi, went through strategies and what we actually will be doing in our job. He was a funny ass guy so that was just cool. A bit too long thoug....the talk I mean. Had to run over to Akkersgate 73 to my old job cause I havent gotten my salary yet!! Should have been mine around januray...not fun.. 21200nok is just lost! Fuckers!
Anyway. Met up with mom and dad who took the long way from to visit me. They have been to Årjeng where the National Championships in golf was held. They competed in the married "with kids" category :P But didn't play so well and ended up with a score of 86-87. Got to do better eh?!
Anywhoooo.. We strolled around in Oslo. Checking out the "Castle", Karl Johans street (big fancy street in the center of Oslo), Akkerbrygga (suuperfancy street along the harbour) and Majorstuen..that's where I live!
They brought some stuff for me so my wardrobe is a bit more complete for sure. Feels like they could have brought some more cloths for sure...but meh. I'll just take a trip to Mariestad in a few weeks when it's time for laundry ;)
Not so much more have happened since last blog. Well I have had a really bad MSN conversation with a very special someone....which sucks donkey!
I'll survive though...and hopefully that bad stuff will turn around to really good stuff in time......still want that special someone though.
Now....I don't know...
Later on..bed to be fresh at my new job for sure!
I'll leave as always with a pic

Wake up "early" and go to work around 8.20. Work and sell sell sell. Save them kids and do it fast!
Today was just an intro. A pretty booring one though. First of a girl named Janne (?) was plowing through company history and hierarky for a whole fkn hour.
After that our team leader, Abdi, went through strategies and what we actually will be doing in our job. He was a funny ass guy so that was just cool. A bit too long thoug....the talk I mean. Had to run over to Akkersgate 73 to my old job cause I havent gotten my salary yet!! Should have been mine around januray...not fun.. 21200nok is just lost! Fuckers!
Anyway. Met up with mom and dad who took the long way from to visit me. They have been to Årjeng where the National Championships in golf was held. They competed in the married "with kids" category :P But didn't play so well and ended up with a score of 86-87. Got to do better eh?!
Anywhoooo.. We strolled around in Oslo. Checking out the "Castle", Karl Johans street (big fancy street in the center of Oslo), Akkerbrygga (suuperfancy street along the harbour) and Majorstuen..that's where I live!
They brought some stuff for me so my wardrobe is a bit more complete for sure. Feels like they could have brought some more cloths for sure...but meh. I'll just take a trip to Mariestad in a few weeks when it's time for laundry ;)
Not so much more have happened since last blog. Well I have had a really bad MSN conversation with a very special someone....which sucks donkey!
I'll survive though...and hopefully that bad stuff will turn around to really good stuff in time......still want that special someone though.
Now....I don't know...
Later on..bed to be fresh at my new job for sure!
I'll leave as always with a pic
Beautiful BC

Not so retarded...actually
So yesterdays party was fun...til the point where everyone, but me, was alcohol poisoned.
Good times at Christians house in Näsöya. A lot of people, good music and epoc weather!
Todays wether...not that epic at all. Me and Christoffer (last name Schack = Chess) have been haning out all day listenning to music and just...chillin hard.
I don't that much more will happen today actually. Just hoping for good weather tomorrow as it is my first day at a job since start of december.
Pretty stoked about the whole thing actually. Working for me is one step closer to some titty deep pow turns this winter! :P

Good times at Christians house in Näsöya. A lot of people, good music and epoc weather!
Todays wether...not that epic at all. Me and Christoffer (last name Schack = Chess) have been haning out all day listenning to music and just...chillin hard.
I don't that much more will happen today actually. Just hoping for good weather tomorrow as it is my first day at a job since start of december.
Pretty stoked about the whole thing actually. Working for me is one step closer to some titty deep pow turns this winter! :P
Emil Rydell
Rogers pass 07/08
Teddybear trees
Rogers pass 07/08
Teddybear trees

Retarded days....
Just been to the beach...still superwarm and still superfun to do backflips from the trampoline. Tried a back with a full rotation...almost nailed it first try! :P But i kinda hit the side a bit and yeah....last jump for the day anyway.
Right now I'm thinking about all the retarded days I've had the latest months. Some are golden ( ;) ) and some a shit..of course. Really fun and good hungover days and the worst ones when you don't/can't leave your bed at all. Paralysed alomst.
Many thougths go back to this winter. Might have been one of the best ones so far. So ok...the snowpack sucked donkey and the weather wasn't awsome or even near as awsome as it was 07/08 winter. But I had so much fun I got a feel for what I want in the long run for sure.
That feeling is like awsomeness squared times 1 000 000. And all this is because ( not just because of course ) of these retarded days. many good things from retarded days for sure!
Tonight might be a retarded day but i don't really feel for it actually.
Might just be le chauffeur tonight aka be the sober guy ( mom will be proud of this..... bet a million! ) so...yeah.
Tomorrow will be pretty mellow. Hopefully some more bathing and some more sun. Bad weather is approaching though:(
ohh well.

Just been to the beach...still superwarm and still superfun to do backflips from the trampoline. Tried a back with a full rotation...almost nailed it first try! :P But i kinda hit the side a bit and yeah....last jump for the day anyway.
Right now I'm thinking about all the retarded days I've had the latest months. Some are golden ( ;) ) and some a shit..of course. Really fun and good hungover days and the worst ones when you don't/can't leave your bed at all. Paralysed alomst.
Many thougths go back to this winter. Might have been one of the best ones so far. So ok...the snowpack sucked donkey and the weather wasn't awsome or even near as awsome as it was 07/08 winter. But I had so much fun I got a feel for what I want in the long run for sure.
That feeling is like awsomeness squared times 1 000 000. And all this is because ( not just because of course ) of these retarded days. many good things from retarded days for sure!
Tonight might be a retarded day but i don't really feel for it actually.
Might just be le chauffeur tonight aka be the sober guy ( mom will be proud of this..... bet a million! ) so...yeah.
Tomorrow will be pretty mellow. Hopefully some more bathing and some more sun. Bad weather is approaching though:(
ohh well.
One of the best hungover days ever!
Me, Alex (to the left) and Josiane (to the right..duuh?)
watching Wrangle the chute at KHMR.
Funny shit going on all day. And a classic!
"Hey...what are you doing? I'll break your neck.....eeoo!?"
Me, Alex (to the left) and Josiane (to the right..duuh?)
watching Wrangle the chute at KHMR.
Funny shit going on all day. And a classic!
"Hey...what are you doing? I'll break your neck.....eeoo!?"

Sooo yesterday was superfun!
BBQ and good weather, most of the time, in Chrisitans house which has a super sweet location. Near the water and a view over Oslo. Some wine and beer, not a lot though (you don't have to worry mom), and then we headed into town to our flat. So everyone could drink a beer or two before we headed in to town (in på byn, in norweigen).
First place we went in to was Podium. Supercrowded and pretty booring music, like a year old house or worse. Really commercial shit! Barely stand it!
Next up was Skaugum, which is a pretty small place. But it has a backyard where the dancefloor is located. But the music was sooo nice though! Funk all night long. Good times! The crowd though was a mixed one. Everything from the bratiest brats (rich kids who really flash the cash) to "salsa-latino-casanovas" :P
Good thing about going out in Oslo is that a lot of the places a free at the door, but on the downside the clubs aren't open for that long. 2-3 is standard here which is pretty booring during summer cause it's warm and light 24/7. Would really want to go to a beachparty with a good DJ and party to dawn and beyond!
BBQ and good weather, most of the time, in Chrisitans house which has a super sweet location. Near the water and a view over Oslo. Some wine and beer, not a lot though (you don't have to worry mom), and then we headed into town to our flat. So everyone could drink a beer or two before we headed in to town (in på byn, in norweigen).
First place we went in to was Podium. Supercrowded and pretty booring music, like a year old house or worse. Really commercial shit! Barely stand it!
Next up was Skaugum, which is a pretty small place. But it has a backyard where the dancefloor is located. But the music was sooo nice though! Funk all night long. Good times! The crowd though was a mixed one. Everything from the bratiest brats (rich kids who really flash the cash) to "salsa-latino-casanovas" :P
Good thing about going out in Oslo is that a lot of the places a free at the door, but on the downside the clubs aren't open for that long. 2-3 is standard here which is pretty booring during summer cause it's warm and light 24/7. Would really want to go to a beachparty with a good DJ and party to dawn and beyond!
Last party for the 08/09 season
Bonfire+beerolympics at Bradys place!
Good 'ol fire walking, beer chugging, clothburning fun
Super good times
Bonfire+beerolympics at Bradys place!
Good 'ol fire walking, beer chugging, clothburning fun
Super good times

<3 Bonfires!
T.G.I Friday!
Thank god it's friday for sure cause I have had a helluva tough week...not!
The only tough thing about this week has been the weather...suuuper warm! 33celsius in the shade all the time. No wonder I miss winter. Sure it's nice when your at the beach but running aroung looking for a job or fixing bankaccounts sucks donkey!
I wacutally have no plans at all for this w-e. But something will happen for sure, maybe I'll join Christoffer and Thomas for a houseparty tonight.Or maybe I'll just chill and catch a movie?? We'll see what happens.
Right now....bad weather approaching! Thunder I might be Chris stomach...can hardly tell the differens... it's really loud like.... "brroooaaahhhh!!"

The only tough thing about this week has been the weather...suuuper warm! 33celsius in the shade all the time. No wonder I miss winter. Sure it's nice when your at the beach but running aroung looking for a job or fixing bankaccounts sucks donkey!
I wacutally have no plans at all for this w-e. But something will happen for sure, maybe I'll join Christoffer and Thomas for a houseparty tonight.Or maybe I'll just chill and catch a movie?? We'll see what happens.
Right now....bad weather approaching! Thunder I might be Chris stomach...can hardly tell the differens... it's really loud like.... "brroooaaahhhh!!"

Now what?
So from being serially unemployed to beeing the hottest piece of meat in norway in one day...not bad :P
Jus' kiddin...a little.
Woke up super early (8), for me anyways. Wen't up and made brakefast and took of for my first day at work. At the line-car station in town I got a phone call saying that I was supposed to start on monday instead in a, get this, "special group". I don't know if I like the word special group. Sounds like special group for mongos or something :P
So back to the apartment where I got the next call. It was from Tine at Gardermoen airport saying that they wanted me to come up to Jessheim and have a interview with them. I asked about salary and they said 133nok/h and thats a flat salary meaning I don't get more money on weekends or nights so if that is the case I'll say thanks but noooo thanks! 133 is way too low for me with Oslo being so expensive and all.
With that salary I would have 21 000nok per month working fulltime shifts?? It's not what I expected at all. My frined has about 33% more per month for that job so....naa.
Well we are soon off to the beach for some rest and relaxation...gettin my tan on. And I do need a nice tan. I look like a badly shaken strawberry milkshake right now. I bet you get the idea :P haha

So... catch you later eh!
So from being serially unemployed to beeing the hottest piece of meat in norway in one day...not bad :P
Jus' kiddin...a little.
Woke up super early (8), for me anyways. Wen't up and made brakefast and took of for my first day at work. At the line-car station in town I got a phone call saying that I was supposed to start on monday instead in a, get this, "special group". I don't know if I like the word special group. Sounds like special group for mongos or something :P
So back to the apartment where I got the next call. It was from Tine at Gardermoen airport saying that they wanted me to come up to Jessheim and have a interview with them. I asked about salary and they said 133nok/h and thats a flat salary meaning I don't get more money on weekends or nights so if that is the case I'll say thanks but noooo thanks! 133 is way too low for me with Oslo being so expensive and all.
With that salary I would have 21 000nok per month working fulltime shifts?? It's not what I expected at all. My frined has about 33% more per month for that job so....naa.
Well we are soon off to the beach for some rest and relaxation...gettin my tan on. And I do need a nice tan. I look like a badly shaken strawberry milkshake right now. I bet you get the idea :P haha
Pic from las summer.
Johan cruzin on a EPIC day with Mariestad in the background
Johan cruzin on a EPIC day with Mariestad in the background

So... catch you later eh!
Getting my shit together.
Today is the day I get things done. No fun at all..just getting stuff done. Bankaccount, taxes... everything!
So I better start now so I don't have do to it another day.
more to come in a couple of hours
Back again.
A little more stuff done....a lot sweatier!
Anyways. Wen't down to the bank where I had to get my tax-card along with my socialsecurity number to open an account. So over to "skattetaten öst" (taxoffice east). Everything went smoothly there and I well get my papers within a week. Sweeetohh!
I strolled down to my old job, Viasat. Talked to some people, and got some important papers for my E.I.
A I mentioned some days ago I have applied for a job at a Peak Performance store here in Oslo. Today I visited the store.
" Hey I saw on that you where looking for some people to work for you"
-" yeah off course... 2 second and I'll get the manager"
0-"So you are looking for a job", really cute female manager
"Yeah I am, hopefully fulltime"
0"Great, we need guys in the store! Do you have any experience?"
"Yea, I have worked in a golf store for three years in Mariestad. And I'm really keen on skiing as well so I know all about technical clothing"
0"Sounds really good *smile*. Here is my mail. Shoot me a CV and we will contact you"
" Sweet! Have a good day *biig smile*" handshake.
So stoked about that. And I think I kinda know what I wanna do with my life now...but I wont tell. Cause you never know what's behind the next corner.
Sending out a lot of good vibes and love to one special know who you are.

So I better start now so I don't have do to it another day.
more to come in a couple of hours
Back again.
A little more stuff done....a lot sweatier!
Anyways. Wen't down to the bank where I had to get my tax-card along with my socialsecurity number to open an account. So over to "skattetaten öst" (taxoffice east). Everything went smoothly there and I well get my papers within a week. Sweeetohh!
I strolled down to my old job, Viasat. Talked to some people, and got some important papers for my E.I.
A I mentioned some days ago I have applied for a job at a Peak Performance store here in Oslo. Today I visited the store.
" Hey I saw on that you where looking for some people to work for you"
-" yeah off course... 2 second and I'll get the manager"
0-"So you are looking for a job", really cute female manager
"Yeah I am, hopefully fulltime"
0"Great, we need guys in the store! Do you have any experience?"
"Yea, I have worked in a golf store for three years in Mariestad. And I'm really keen on skiing as well so I know all about technical clothing"
0"Sounds really good *smile*. Here is my mail. Shoot me a CV and we will contact you"
" Sweet! Have a good day *biig smile*" handshake.
The end
So stoked about that. And I think I kinda know what I wanna do with my life now...but I wont tell. Cause you never know what's behind the next corner.
Sending out a lot of good vibes and love to one special know who you are.
Old pic from seasonkickoff in Tandådalen 07/08
Me, friends, 40cm of fresh and zero base=one fun ass weekend!
Me, friends, 40cm of fresh and zero base=one fun ass weekend!

Do I miss skiing? Does the pope shit in the woods?