
First month of emplyment has passed. Soon Im gonna be a riiich bitch! :P Haha

So it's saturday here in Oslo. The sun is SHINING(!) and I bet that it's gonna be a pretty sweet day! Too bad I'm feeling a bit sick right now...otherwise I would have gone to the gym first then go for a run and maybe round up some friends for some swimming and some backflippin action into water :P

Anyways it's gonna be a really good day! Hasnt been this nice weather for a while now and I really feel that my luck is changing :) Now I'm just praying for the Peak Perfomance job. They should be calling for an interview this comming week...so if you have fingers....cross them for me pls :) Or if youre a sweed..hold your thumbs :P

Right now...just surf ze web a bit and have a nice and slooow breakfast. Laters on....who knows?



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