
So...bought a gymmembership at Elixia the other day and got a good price thx to Jonas Tretly (thx man!).
So now Im just waiting for my cold to get the fuck out of my system so I can hit the gym and get a sexy sixpack and vicous arms and legs for comming winter activities :)

Outside right now....rainrainrain! Fkn sux. But hey... "efter regn kommer solsken" as we say in sweden :P

Anyways. Had a pretty good...but loong day at work today. 10hours work but it all worked out in the end.

Right now Im watching "Satisfaction Guaranteed" (yea...sound like a pornflick :P) which is Free Radicals latest movie (swedish ski movie). Pretty good...def worth checking out for sure! Its cheap to! For 30CAD you get a ski movie and a T-shirt? Pretty sweet dealeo if you ask me. Really solid riders/riding!
Its not MSP so its not "holy shit this is good" but its enough to satisfy my thirst for skiing...well..ease it a bit anyway.

Well what can I say...All I think about right now is SKIING! GODDAMMIT! Just give me snow...10 below sun and Brittish fucking Columbia baby!

And more thing. Still in editing mode on my next shortmovie from last season. So if anyone has any fun clips that I really should have in the movie...gimmie a shout!

Une peu de mixed?


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