One week down... 23 to go

One week done. First week of labour since december 19th for my part. Almost forgot how it is to get up early every day and park your ass at le job for 8 hours or so.
It's been a good week. Havent sold anything but Iäm getting there for sure. Telefone sales is way easier (so far anyway) cause you get so many conversations per day and way easier to sell something that people "need".

But heeeeaaaany way. Its been a fkn fun week for sure. Meeting new people every day and actually making money is pretty sweet!
Week end has been really good as well. Me and Ane went out with her friends to a super dope place called "Ute" (Outside). Tried to take pics of the place with my cell but it was way to dark for that. But a really awsome place!

So it's sunday today and I really wanna get my ass in shape right now. Got to go to a good sportshop and buy a pair of really good runningshoes, a helmet and some other protective gear for the inline project. Wanna get som skills at that so I have a fun thing to do during summer as well.
Thinking about buying a race hybrid bike from Nishiki (swedish bikemanufacturer). Looks so fun just going so fast on the roads with an mp3 player pumping your favourite tunes!

Latest pics from my phone


Did someone order rain?

Fkn nice sunset





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