Jobb applying is a pain....

Well..another day another spent dollar :(
Have applied for some more jobs and I should get a job real soon. It's just the feeling of not having a job that is really getting on my nerves.
Had an interview last thursday and they didn't call back. But it was eventsales job anyway and I werent to keen on that at all. So good riddens....or something.

Applied for a job in a Peak Performance store. It would be sweet cause Im a gear nerd for sure ...and It's super close to my new home.

Other then that... not much going on.
Well... a lot have happend. Midsummers eve last weekend and that was soo much fun. Went to the westcoast in sweden to a place called Hamburgsund and meet up with some old skiing buddies. Super fun and everything was according to tradition. The dances, food weather (some rain...of course). But It was so much fun and it was good to see them again for sure!

And yeah...I moved to Oslo :P hehe
So I live on Schöningsgate 26a now in Majorstuen, Oslo, Norway, Europe, Earth, Milkyway (vintergatan in swedish which translates to winterstreet) with a bunh of skiers. Really sweet but a bit crowded. 5persons living in a 3rooms apartment, 74m2. So I bet you get it.

Took some pics today but havent uploaded them or anything but...keep on checking out the blog and there will be pics!


Postat av: Anonym

sedan åkte du ju bil i 4 timmar med mig också! det är väl inte fy skam det heller. trés exclusif!

drar tillbaka till hamburgö imorrn kväll o börjar jobba på söndag! LÄNGTAR TILL ÖN!

peas på dig per!haha ;D saknar dig i stan!

Lycka till med jobbsöket och se till o få tillbaka din lön från fifflar-firman!

2009-06-30 @ 02:08:13
Postat av: Per Nyberg

såklart det är det :)

2009-06-30 @ 12:45:09

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