Still no major updates....

What Im doing right now:
Sitting eating breakfast...its 7:53. Woke up in time this morning....good boy :)

Doing later on:
Working 9.45-18.15 and later on I will go to the gym for a leg och pectoral session. Gotto get ready for the ski season! :)

I've actually been really good with the gym lately! I work out almost every day as it is right now. Yesterday was a double! Core with a big ball (ehhhh????) and 60min floorball. I feel it in my legs and lower back. Wednesdays is the leg day and thursday I try to attend the "Catslide" which is reeeeaaally heavy shit! never been so sore in my abs before!

Sry but I'm still on my friends computer so there wont be any new cool pics or whatever so..LIVE WITH IT! :P

Well...I think I'm gonna post some pics of the skis Im gonna buy this winter! :)
Got an offer to buy a pair of shipped to yurp (europe) for a total of 475USD! So I'm prolly gonna go for that.


And as I work in the skiindustry I get discount on 4frnt skis! So I'll be buying a pair of... and a pair of  ! So I'll be having 2 pairs of slackcountry/inbounds skis for just plain fun (The rasta ones and the first ones i posted) and later on I'll choose what ski to keep and which to sell. The 4frnt EHP193 will be my touring ski and will be mounted up with a pair of dukes for some backcountry hucking and charging! :)
Its gonna be a fuuuuun winter :)



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